How To Dry Rose Petals: Methods & Uses

Learning how to dry rose petals is a wonderful way to preserve their beauty and make use of your roses.

Whether you want to use them for crafts, cooking, or homemade cosmetics, the drying process allows you to capture the vibrant colors and fragrances of these flowers.

With various methods available, from sun-drying to using kitchen appliances, you can choose the approach that best suits your needs.

In this article, we’ll explore the many methods you can use to dry rose petals and what you can use them for.

How To Dry Rose Petals In A Book

Drying rose petals in a book is a classic and low-tech method of preserving your petals.

It involves placing the petals in between the pages of a book and allowing the petals to dry out naturally.

How To Dry Rose Petals
Image by Freepik


  • Pressing your roses helps preserve their size and shape, as opposed to other methods that can shrivel the petals.
  • Pressing is a simple and accessible way to preserve rose petals


  • Pressing causes the color of the petals to fade during the process.
  • This process is only suitable for a small quantity of roses.
  • There is a longer drying time.


  1. Open a book and place a layer of rose petals on the page. Make sure the petals do not overlap one another.
  2. Close the book, taking care not to overlap or fold any of the petals.
  3. Wait for the roses to dry, this can take somewhere between one to two weeks.

How To Dry Rose Petals In The Sun

Drying rose petals in the sun is a straightforward and natural process.

This process involves letting your petals sit outside in the sun and letting Mother Nature dry them.

How To Dry Rose Petals
Image by Freepik


  • Cost-effective: There’s no need to purchase any equipment or materials
  • Color and fragrance preservation


  • You have to rely on consistently sunny, dry weather. Humid, cloudy, or rainy weather can ruin the process.
  • Risk of damage. Insects, inclement weather, mold, and dust can completely ruin your rose petals.
  • Sun-drying is a long process and requires anywhere between 1 to 3 weeks depending on the outdoor conditions.


  1. Find a suitable drying location that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. It should be a clean and well-ventilated area outdoors. You can use a clean mesh or screen to place the petals on; the mesh will allow even drying on both sides of the petal.
  2. Arrange the petals in even rows, making sure no two petals overlap with one another.
  3. To protect the petals from insects or debris, you can place another layer of mesh over the petals.
  4. Regularly check on the petals for signs of mold. Remove any petals that look like they have mold as it can spread quickly.
  5. It takes anywhere from a few days to weeks for the roses to adequately dry in the sun. This timing is all dependent on your specific weather conditions.

How To Dry Rose Petals In A Microwave

Using a microwave to dry your rose petals is quick, easy, and accessible.

Most people own a microwave in their homes, allowing you a fast drying method.


  • The process is quick and can be done in a few minutes
  • The quick drying process allows the roses to retain their color


  • The high heat from the microwave can cause damage to the petals, even possibly burning them
  • The petals might dry unevenly
  • You can only do this in small batches


  1. Start by lining a microwave-safe plate with a double layer of dry paper towels.
  2. Place the rose petals neatly on the paper towels, ensuring no rose petals overlap.
  3. Layer another paper towel on top of the rose petals and place another microwave-safe plate on top of the petals. This not only acts as a lid for the bottom plate but keeps the petals secure and flat as they dry.
  4. Microwaves can vary in terms of power and heat, so it is best to start slowly to ensure you are not over-drying your petals. Start the microwave at 40 seconds on high heat.
  5. Remove the top layer and check the petals for dryness. You’re looking for petals that are dry but not crispy or brittle. If they still feel damp, place them back in the microwave and “cook” them in smaller intervals until you get your desired result.

How To Dry Rose Petals In The Oven

Ovens are another appliance that is easily accessible in most homes.

Compared to the microwave, there is more room in an oven to allow for high quantities of petals to be dried at once.


  • This is a relatively quick process, you can have dried rose petals in less than an hour.
  • You can fit large amounts of petals in an oven compared to other household appliances.


  • There is a risk of over-drying the petals or even burning them if you don’t carefully monitor the temperatures.
  • Drying in the oven can cause the color of the petals to fade.


  1. Preheat your oven on a low setting- between 175° to 200° F.
  2. Evenly place your rose petals onto a baking sheet, making sure none of the petals touch each other.
  3. Bake the petals for 15 to 30 minutes, checking on them every 5 minutes and turning the petals over.
  4. The petals should feel crisp when you take them out of the oven.

How To Dry Rose Petals In The Dehydrator

Using a dehydrator allows you to dry rose petals without a loss in quality.

Dehydrators are an appliance made specifically for drying, so you are ensured a perfectly dried rose petal. 


  • Dehydrator is a piece of equipment specifically for quality drying. It provides a controlled environment that allows you to adjust the temp and airflow settings.
  • You’ll have evenly dried petals.
  • Dehydrators are good for large quantities of rose petals, you can dry many of them at once.


  • Longer drying time- depending on the brand, you can be looking anywhere from a few hours to a whole day waiting for the roses to dry.
  • Dehydrators are a specific equipment that not everyone has. It might not be economically beneficial to buy a dehydrator solely for drying rose petals.


  1. Lay the rose petals neatly in the dehydrator, ensuring none of the petals overlap.
  2. Set the dehydrator to the lowest setting. You will want to use the lowest setting because rose petals are delicate and could easily over-dry if the dehydrator is set too high.
  3. Allow the roses to sit in the dehydrator until they are fully dry. The texture should be flaky similar to a chip.

How To Dry Rose Petals In An Air Fryer

An air fryer can be used for more than making your food crispy and delicious- it can also be used to dehydrate your rose petals!


  • Even drying
  • Preserved color and fragrance if done correctly


  • The air fryer chamber has limited space, so this process can be tedious with a large quantity of petals
  • It is possible to burn or over-dry the rose petals, therefore ruining their color and fragrance.


  1. Set your air fryer on its lowest possible setting.
  2. Lay your rose petals out in an even layer, making sure no petals are overlapping.
  3. Stay close to the air fryer because this process is very quick; you can expect dried roses in as little as 15 minutes.
  4. After 15 minutes, check on the texture of your roses. If they seem damp, try placing them in the air fryer for another few minutes until you have reached your desired doneness.

Uses For Dried Rose Petals

Dried rose petals have a multitude of uses and benefits that span from crafts, food, or cosmetics. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can use your dried rose petals.

You Can Use Them For Confetti

Using rose petals as confetti not only adds a touch of natural beauty to celebrations, but you’ll find that they are far superior to store-bought confetti.

For starters, they are a biodegradable alternative to the typical plastic/synthetic confetti we’re used to. It can be easily collected and composted after they have been used.

In addition, rose petal confetti leaves a lovely rose scent in the air, which adds to the delightful experience.

Be sure to handle your rose petals with care, as you’ll want them to remain intact when you toss the rose confetti in the air.

You Can Use Them For Tea

The flavor and aroma of rose petal tea can be a soothing and therapeutic beverage with added health benefits.

The taste of rose petals is often described as sweet, floral, and delicate depending on the type of rose used.

Additionally, roses contain high amounts of antioxidants which is great for your health.

Using a tea diffuser, steep a spoonful of dried rose petals in hot water, allowing it to sit for a few minutes.

Steeping the petals for a longer period of time will yield a more prominent flavor.

You can also experiment by combining other popular tea flavors, such as chamomile, mint, or lavender.

You Can Use Them For Potpourri

Using your fragrant rose petals for potpourri is an excellent way to enjoy both the natural aromas of roses while also adding beauty to your living space.

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You can opt to solely use your rose petals or add complementary ingredients to your mixture such as cinnamon sticks, star anise, dried citrus peels, or other dried flowers.

Potpourri can be placed open in a decorative bowl on your countertops, or in a mesh baggie to place in your armoire or dresser.

Either way, you and your guests will love the scent of preserved rose petals!

You Can Use Them For Cooking

Roses are often associated with sweets, so we recommend trying to infuse roses into some of your favorite desserts.

Adding roses to your food can be as simple as baking them into cakes or crushing them and sprinkling them on top of ice cream.

You can also infuse roses into milk, water, or oil and use those rose-infused ingredients to cook with.

Always ensure that the dried roses you cook with have not been treated with pesticides or chemicals.

Dried Rose Petals Benefits For Skin

Roses offer several benefits for skincare due to their abundance of antioxidants and vitamins.

Here are just a few ways that dried rose petals can benefit your skin:

  • Roses have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe and calm irritated skin. They can alleviate redness and inflammation caused by skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema.
  • Roses contain antioxidants and vitamin E that help fight free radicals and prevent oxidative stress, which can contribute to premature aging. The vitamins in roses also help skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Rose petals have a gentle exfoliating effect on the skin. They can help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, resulting in smoother and clearer skin.


Whether you opt for the simplicity of sun or book drying, or the quickness and convenience of a microwave or air fryer, each method of rose-drying offers its own unique benefits.

By preserving the petals of roses, you can give your roses a second life long after they have left the plant.