How To Preserve Rose Petals: A Step-by-Step Guide

There are many different ways to learn how to preserve rose petals, each with its purpose and function.

Preserving rose petals is one way to immortalize the beauty of roses long after they have been plucked from their branches.

In this article, we are going to discuss some simple preservation techniques so you can extend the lifespan of your roses.

How To Preserve Fresh Rose Petals

How To Preserve Fresh Rose Petals
Image by Racool_studio on Freepik

The key to keeping rose petals fresh is by keeping them cool until you’re ready to work with them.

  • Step 1. Maintain the health of your flowers by placing your roses in a clean vase filled with cool water.

Place this vase in a location that is away from direct sunlight. Direct sun can harm the roses and rapidly decrease the quality of the petals.

  • Step 2. Replace the water in the vase every few days if you are keeping your roses for that long.

However, we must advise that the fresher the rose petals are, the better the quality.

  • Step 3. Firmly remove the rose bloom from its stem and separate the rose petals one by one.
  • Step 4. Transplant the fresh petals into an airtight container or a ziplock bag.

Give the petals enough room to freely move around, they should not be packed in.

  • Step 5. Place a dry paper towel in the container and seal it.

Place the container in your fridge.

  • Step 6. Take out the container every 1-2 days and shake it to loosen the petals.

However, the recommended shelf life for fresh rose petals is 3 days.

How To Preserve Dried Rose Petals

Drying your rose petals is one way to extend the life of your rose petals without sacrificing their color or fragrance.

Here are some tips to make sure your dried rose petals last as long as possible:

  • Keep your rose petals away from direct sunlight. Sun can cause the color of your dried rose petals to lose its vibrancy.
  • Store your rose petals in an airtight container (such as a glass jar). Keeping your rose petals dry is the best way to extend their shelf life, as residual air moisture can slowly break down the dried petals.

How To Preserve Rose Petals In Resin

Using resin to preserve your rose petals is a permanent solution that will turn your rose petals into a keepsake that you can fondly look on for years.

How To Preserve Rose Petals In Resin

Preserving rose petals in resin will require a long list of materials, but it is worth it to preserve your rose petals for the longest period of time.

List Of Materials Needed:

1. Epoxy Resin Kit/Polyester Resin

Purchase a clear epoxy resin kit that includes both the resin and hardener components. You can find these at craft stores or online.

2. Resin Molds

Depending on the project you have in mind, buy silicone molds in the desired shapes and sizes.

3. Nitrile Gloves

Ensure you have a pack of disposable nitrile gloves to protect your hands while working with resin.

4. Safety Glasses

Purchase safety glasses to shield your eyes from potential resin splashes.

5. Respirator Mask

Get a respirator mask with the appropriate filters to protect against resin fumes.

6. Measuring Cups

Buy disposable measuring cups for accurate measurement and mixing of the resin and hardener.

7. Stir Sticks

Purchase wooden or plastic stir sticks for mixing the resin components.

8. Mixing Containers

Buy disposable plastic or silicone cups to mix the resin and hardener.

9. Release Agen

You may need mold release spray or silicone oil for easy removal of the cured resin from molds.

10. Tweezers or Toothpicks

These can be useful for placing rose petals into the molds and adjusting their positioning.

11. Sandpaper (Optional)

If you plan to sand the cured resin for a smoother finish, buy various grits of sandpaper.

12. Labels and Markers

Purchase labels and markers to keep molds organized and labeled.


For this process, we recommend using dried rose petals.

Dried rose petals will retain their hue during the resin process, whereas fresh rose petals will fade and look washed out.

Work in a well-ventilated area when handling resin.

Open windows, turn on the fan, and wear a face mask to protect yourself from the fumes

  • Step 1. Prepare The Resin

    There are multiple types of resin on the market that you can use.

    The two main types are polyester and epoxy resin.

    Polyester tries a little slower than epoxy, giving you more time to arrange the petals.

    Epoxy is longer lasting, but both options will last years.

  • Step 2. Mix The Resin

    Following the instructions on the resin you purchased, pour the resin and its catalyst into a mold.

    Stir the mixture with a wooden stick for 60 seconds.

  • Step 3. Cast The Rose Petals In Resin

    Pour some of the resin into the mold, followed by the rose petals. You can opt to arrange the petals in whichever pattern you choose.

  • Step 4. Pour More Resin To Encapsulate The Petals In It

    Once you are satisfied with the results, pour the rest of the resin to encapsulate the petals.

  • Step 5. Wait For The Resin To Turn Into A Gel-like Consistency

    Set a timer for 10 minutes and wait for the resin to turn into a gel-like consistency.

    Depending on the humidity, this process might take up to 30 minutes.

    If any petals have shifted during the resin pour, now is the time to rearrange them.

  • Step 6. Let The Resin Sit For Another 4 Hours

    Let the resin sit for another 4 hours until it has hardened.

    When it is completely dry, it should feel smooth and hard.

    If the resin is sticky, then it is not ready.

How To Preserve Rose Petals With Hairspray

Preserving rose petals can be done with products you have lying around the house.

Here are some tips on preserving rose petals using hairspray.

  • Start with dried rose petals, as these will retain their original vibrant color much better than fresh roses.
  • Lay your roses down on a tray, making sure no two rose petals overlap with one another.
  • Apply an even coat of hairspray onto your rose petals. Wait until the hairspray has completely dried. Depending on how humid the room is, this can take up to a few hours.
  • Turn over your rose petals and repeat the process on the other side.

Does Hairspray Preserve Flowers Forever?

No, using hairspray is a temporary solution to preserving flowers.

You will need to reapply the hairspray every week.

Can You Spray Hairspray On Fresh Flowers?

Using hairspray on fresh flowers is not recommended.

The hairspray method is best used on dried flowers, as they are capable of retaining their quality after being sprayed with hairspray.

What Kind Of Hairspray Should You Use To Preserve Flowers?

Any hairspray will be able to preserve flowers, there is no specific requirement to look for when selecting a hairspray to preserve flowers.

How To Preserve Rose Petals In A Book

Preserving roses in a book (otherwise known as pressing) is a classic method of preserving rose petals.

It is a slow process, but you will be very satisfied with the results.

Follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Find a thick, heavy book with clean and dry pages.

Books that have good paper quality work best for preservation.

  • Step 2. Open the book to a page close to the middle.

You can place a piece of parchment paper or wax paper on the page to protect it from any moisture or pigments released by the flowers.

  • Step 3. Place the petals flat on the open book page, making sure the petals are spread out and not overlapping.

You can place them face up or face down, depending on the desired effect.

  • Step 4. Once the roses are positioned, close the book carefully to avoid overlapping or folding the petals.

Apply gentle pressure to ensure they are flattened evenly.

Additionally, you can place a weight on top of the book for added pressure.

  • Step 5. Leave the book in a dry and cool area.

The drying process may take several weeks, depending on both the moisture content of the roses and the room’s humidity level

  • Step 6. After a few weeks, check the roses to check if they are completely dry.

They should feel crisp and papery to the touch.

If the petals are still damp, close the book again and leave the petals for a few more days and check again.

How To Preserve Rose Petals In A Jar

Preserving your rose petals in a jar is a great way to create a decorative display using leftover rose flowers.

Follow these steps to learn more.

  • Step 1. Select fresh rose petals that are in good condition without any blemishes or tears.

Pre-drying your petals is not necessary beforehand, but it can be done if you choose to do so.

  • Step 2. Select a clean glass jar with an airtight lid.

Mason jars or decorative glass jars with a wide mouth are perfect for this.

  • Step 3. (Optionally) Add silica gel if you want to preserve the color and shape of the petals, you can place a small amount of silica gel at the bottom of the jar.

This will help with absorbing moisture and it keeps the petals dry.

  • Step 4. Fill the jar with layer of rose petals.

Start by arranging a small layer of rose petals at the bottom of the jar.

Arrange them in a way that looks visually appealing.

Add another layer of petals on top, and continue layering petals until you are satisfied with how it looks.

  • Step 5. After you have filled the jar, close the lid to create an airtight seal.

This helps to prevent moisture and air from entering the container.

  • Step 6. Choose The Right Storage Location And Wait

Select a spot in your home that is away from direct sunlight, humidity, and excessive heat.

A dark bedroom, closet, or pantry are all good ideas.

Try to avoid any unnecessary movements to prevent the petals from shifting or getting damaged.

Please refrain from shaking the jar and handle it carefully when transporting the container from place to place.

How To Preserve Rose Petals For A Wedding

Adding rose petals to your wedding adds a touch of beauty and romance to an otherwise momentous occasion.

There are multiple ways to use preserved rose petals, so here is some advice to get you started!

There are a few ways to dry rose petals to use for a wedding.

Not every preservation method will give you the same results, however, as some methods can cause roses to lose their shape, color, and fragrance.

Preservation methods that will retain the rose petals’ color and fragrance include using a dehydrator, sun drying, air frying, and microwaving.

Use rose petals as wedding confetti for a fun twist on a wedding classic.

Confetti made from rose petals is superior to paper and plastic confetti as they are natural, biodegradable, and leave a lovely fragrance in the air.

You can also use rose petals to decorate guests’ tables.

The rose petals add a touch of elegance and whimsy and your guests will adore their delightful scent.

How To Preserve Fresh Rose Petals For A Wedding

Preserve fresh rose petals as a romantic and classy touch to your special day.

Here are some tips for making the most of your fresh petals:

You can preserve fresh rose petals for a wedding ahead of time by storing your fresh rose petals in an airtight container for up to 3 days before the event.

However, it is worth noting that the fresher the petals, the better in both color, quality, and fragrance.

1 to 2 hours prior to the wedding, remove the petals from the container so you may use them as you wish.

How To Preserve Rose Petals For A Scrapbook

Using a scrapbook to preserve your roses is a fantastic way to capture the beauty of your roses and add some sentimentality to your scrapbooks.

Dried rose petals are the preferred type of petals for scrapbooking.

You can use any method of drying that you prefer, but certain methods will help preserve the color, shape, and fragrance of the petals much better.

These methods include microwaving, pressing, air frying, or dehydrating.

Related Post:

How To Dry Rose Petals: Methods & Uses

Handle the rose petals carefully when you are scrapbooking them, as they can easily tear and crumple apart.

Decide where you want to place the rose petals and secure them by using your preferred adhesive.

Take the overall layout and design of the scrapbook into consideration and arrange the petals in a way that enhances the look.


Preserving rose petals is an art form that allows you to cherish these flowers and give them a second life.

With these easy techniques, you can transform your rose petals into a long-lasting treasure that you can look fondly on.