Eden Climbing Rose – Everything You Need To Know

With its vigorous growth and enchanting appearance, Eden climbing rose is a true symbol of elegance.

Eden climbing rose is known for its resistance and delightful fragrance, and has become a beloved choice for both new and experienced gardeners.

In this article, we will be taking a closer look at the Eden climbing rose and learn how to grow these beauties in your own garden.

Origins And Breeders Of Eden Climbing Rose

Eden Climbing Rose

The Rosa ‘Eden’ was created by French rose breeder, Marie-Louise Meilland, in 1985.

The Eden climbing rose was originally called the Pierre de Ronsard rose, named after the famed French poet of the same name.

In order to appeal to an international audience, the Pierre de Ronsard rose was renamed to the Eden rose, in order to evoke the idea of beauty and paradise.

This rose may also be referred to as the “Eden 85” to differentiate it from another rose Meilland bred in the 1950s, also by the name of “Eden.”

Since its cultivation, the Eden climbing rose has soared in popularity.

It even has gone so far as to receive the “World’s Favorite Rose” award from the Rose Hall of Fame in 2006.

Eden Climbing Rose Zone

Eden climbing roses are hardy to USDA zones 5b through 9b.

They are tolerant of winter, heat, and rain as long as they receive enough nutrients to remain fortified against inclement weather.

Unique Characteristics And Features

Growth Habit And Size

The vigorous growth pattern of the Eden climbing rose is a fantastic attribute that sets them apart from other varieties of rose.

These roses exhibit a vigorous and vigorous climbing habit, making them ideal for creating vertical accents in the garden.

The Eden climbing roses’ long, flexible canes can reach staggering lengths, ranging between 6 to 10 feet long.

As they climb, the canes produce an abundance of luscious foliage and clusters of flowers.

Whether trained against a wall, draped over an arch, or as its own freestanding shrub, the growth pattern of Eden climbing roses adds a touch of elegance to any garden.

Foliage And Disease Resistance

The disease resistance of Eden climbing roses is one of their most notable characteristics and is a huge selling point when deciding what variety of rose to purchase.

These roses have gained a reputation for their exceptional ability to withstand common rose diseases, such as blackspot, rust, or mildew.

These roses’ natural resistance significantly reduces the need for chemical interventions, allowing gardeners to enjoy healthy roses with minimal effort.

The reduced need for chemical fungicides leads to an overall healthier, happier garden not just for your Eden climbing roses, but for other surrounding flora and fauna in the area.

Flower Characteristics

  • Color

Eden climbing roses are commonly found in pink/cream hues, although some variations of the Eden rose also include white and red.

These roses have large, double blooms with a cupped, globular bloom form.

Each flower contains an average of 55 to 65 petals per rose.

  • Fragrance

The fragrance of the Eden climbing rose ranges from light to moderate, not at all overpowering to those who are sensitive to strong aromas.

The scent of Eden climbing roses can be described as “tart”.

  • Flowering Season

You can expect your Eden climbing roses to blossom starting in the late spring.

Eden climbing roses are repeat bloomers and will produce yields of elegant flowers throughout the growing season.

However, the most abundant bloom will be during the first blossom.

Eden climbing roses are quite unique in that they open up very slowly and not fully, maintaining a close-knit cluster of petals.

These roses mostly bloom in solitary.

How To Grow Eden Climbing Rose

Climate And Planting Requirements

Eden climbing roses have a high tolerance for unruly climate conditions.

They are tolerant of rain, heat, and cold.

Regardless, you should consider planting your climbing roses in a location that is abundant in warm sunlight and away from windy areas that can affect the growth pattern of your roses.

Soil And Sunlight Preferences

The key to a flourishing Eden climbing rose is dependent on its nutrient intake.

Finding the perfect soil and sunlight balance is essential to the roses’ survival.

Eden climbing roses will thrive in a soil that is well-draining and rich in organic matter.

A few weeks prior to planting, we suggest amending the soil with compost or well-rotted manure to improve its fertility.

As for soil pH, a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH (between 6.0 and 7.0) is ideal for these roses.

Eden climbing roses thrive when they have sufficient sun exposure.

Please ensure your roses receive a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight per day.

A lack of sunlight can result in poor growth, fewer blooms, and increased susceptibility to diseases.

Watering And Fertilization

Eden climbing roses require regular watering in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially during the growing season.

It is important to find a balance between maintaining uniformly moist soil whilst allowing the soil to dry just enough to prevent mildew and root rot.

A good rule of thumb is to water deeply once or twice a week, depending on the weather and soil conditions.

Keep an eye on the soil, if the first few inches of soil are dry, that is a good time to rehydrate your plant.

In order to supply essential nutrients to your Eden climbing roses, they will need two rounds of fertilizer to support them during the growing season.

The first round of fertilizer should be applied in the early spring, just as new growth begins.

This helps provide your roses with a boost of necessary nutrients for healthy foliage and flower production.

The second round of fertilization can be done in early summer to support continued growth and blooming.

When handling fertilizer, we always recommend following the manufacturer’s suggested dosage.

In addition, please refrain from applying too much fertilizer, as this can be counterproductive to the development of your roses and actually damage the plant.

How To Prune The Eden Climbing Rose

pruning rose

Pruning Eden climbing roses is a necessary part of their care and maintenance.

Proper pruning will help shape the plant, promote healthy growth, and encourage abundant blooming.

The ideal time to prune these roses is in the late winter to early spring, just before new growth begins.

Begin by removing any dead, damaged, or diseased wood, cutting it back to healthy tissue.

Continue to thin out any overcrowded or crossing branches to improve air circulation within the plant and reduce the risk of disease.

One of the key rules to pruning climbing roses is to retain several strong and healthy main canes to support the climbing habit of the rose.

Another part of maintaining climbing roses is to strategically cut and rearrange branches in a way that is advantageous to their growth pattern.

Aim to create an open structure by cutting back the remaining canes to outward-facing buds.

This will encourage outward growth and prevents the center of the plant from becoming too “busy”.

Disease And Pest Management

When it comes to preventing both disease and pests in your Eden climbing rose, the first line of defense is maintaining a healthy plant.

Diseases and pests are most likely to affect an unwell plant.

Regularly inspect the plant for signs of common rose pests, including aphids, spider mites, or rose beetles.

If detected, use appropriate organic or chemical treatments to control their population.

Carefully applying a chemical pesticide or a neem oil spray is helpful in curtailing a pest infestation.

If pests have caused significant damage to any foliage or flowers, then we advise you to immediately prune the damaged area.

The disease can be prevented by ensuring good airflow in between the branches of your climbing rose.

Proper pruning and spacing out individual plants are essential to increasing air circulation.

Additionally, reduce any excess moisture by watering your rose plants as close to the base as possible.

Avoid splashing water onto the foliage as this can heighten the risk of mildew and blackspot.

Varieties Of Eden Rose

White Eden Climbing Rose (A Sport of Eden)

White Eden Climbing Rose

This variety of Eden climbing rose is very similar to the original Eden climbing rose, however, its roses are a bright white hue.

Perfect for those looking for an alternative to the standard pink/cream colored roses of the original Eden 85.

Eden Climber Pretty In Pink Rose

Eden Climber Pretty In Pink

This slightly taller variation of the Eden climbing rose boasts deep pink flowers with look absolutely striking against its dark green foliage.

Red Eden Climbing Rose

Red Eden Climbing Rose

The red Eden climbing rose is a variant of the original Eden 85 but with deep crimson roses, as opposed to the original’s cream/pink flowers.

These roses have many tightly-clustered petals and their branches have some thorns, which is a departure from the original Eden climbing rose.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Growing Eden Climbing Roses

Benefits Of Growing Eden Climbing Rose

1. Beautiful blooms

2. Strong disease resistance

3. Versatile growth habit

Potential Drawbacks

1. Vigorous growth may require regular maintenance

2. Prickly thorns can be a challenge


Eden climbing roses bring a touch of charm to any garden or landscape.

With their impressive clusters of flowers, fragrance, and vigorous climbing habit, these roses are truly a sight to behold.

Eden climbing roses offer a low-maintenance, yet visually captivating, addition to any garden.


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